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Malware Offenders Beware, Google Will Name and Shame You Publically | Cyberops

Malware Offenders Beware, Google Will Name and Shame You Publically

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment November 21, 2016


In the never-ending efforts to eradicate the web of malicious sites and digital destinations packed with scam and social engineering software, Google is to start out labeling websites that persistently focus on people as “repeat offenders. ”

Each time a site does not work out to meet Google’s existing safe browsing policy, if you navigate towards it via the company’s Chromium browser, you’ll get a warning that it possibly contains malware or other content potentially harmful to the health of your PC.

If the owners of the site take away the offending items, the caution is also removed. On the other hand, as Google explained in a statement on Friday, this existing system has essentially created a loophole. “Over time, we’ve noticed that a tiny number of websites will cease doing harm to users for lengthy enough to have the warnings removed, and can then revert to harmful activity. ”

The solution is to brand such sites as “repeat offenders” and be sure the label remains in place a minimum of 30 days, even if the site’s webmaster tries to appeal the Yahoo ruling. “We continually upgrade our policies and methods to address evolving risks. This is yet another in order to help protect users from damage online, ” said Brooke Heinichen, Google Safe Surfing around Team.


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