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System Security Tips from CyberOps for Safe Cyber Experience

System Security Tips

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment July 21, 2016

  • system security tips
  • Make certain that your system should be password protected. As well as password should be at least 8 characters and numbers both. Such as if you want to use password CyberOps Infosec then you can used like this – cYb3r0p$ !nf0$3c
  • While choosing passwords do not use birth times, names of the family members or things which is often easily guessed.
  • Never allow the system unhandled, if you have to vanish entirely from system then ensure that you log off system before going.
  • On a regular basis update your antivirus and just use accredited antivirus not cracked one. Because it will also help you to trace your Computer System if it’s stolen.
  • You should permit real time protection in your anti-virus program. Many of the anti-viruses only check in the device for viruses which are already present. A virus can anytime prevent you from updating your antivirus program and business lead to serious hampering in the performance of the PC.
  • Regularly update your all the software like MS-Office, Adobe Reader etc.
  • Additionally download and install Anti-Key-logging software so that no-one can get your key strokes.
  • Watch on the windows firewall or install a new firewall if you do not have one already attached to your PC.
  • Never download any cracked software because it could be bind with RAT (Remote Access Trojans).
  • The virus is frequently contained in the files which are fastened with email. Whether or not you understand the sender, always check the documents, data files and scan them preceding to their download.
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