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WikiLeaks Reveals CIA using 'Athena' Malware to gather data

WikiLeaks Reveals ‘Athena’ Which Targeting All Versions of Windows

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment May 20, 2017

WikiLeaks has published a new batch of the regular Vault 7 leak, describing a spyware framework – which “provides remote bright spot and loader capacities on target computers” – apparently being employed by the CIA that works against every version of Microsoft’s  windows operating systems, from windows XP to Windows 10.

Dubbed Athena/Hera, the malware has been designed to take full control of the infected Windows Computer systems remotely, allowing the company to perform all types of things on the prospective machine, including deleting data or uploading malicious software, and stealing data and send them to CIA server.The leak, which includes a user manual of Athena, overview of the technology, and exhibition how to use this spyware, reveals that this software has two implications.

  • Primary: Athena for XP to Windows 10
  • Secondary: Hera for Windows 8 through Windows 10

According to the whistleblower organization, Athena has the ability to permit the CIA providers to modify its settings in real time, while the implant is on target “to customize it to an operation.

The leaked documents suggest that Athena, written in Python programming language, was created in August 2015, simply a month after Microsoft released its Windows 10 operating system.Interestingly, one record also shows that the CIA agents have recently been advised to make certain that the spyware should not get discovered by antivirus software programs, especially Kaspersky AV software.

Athena has recently been developed by the CIA in cooperation with Duress Technologies – a north American cyber security company that offers offensive internet war technologies and works in close cooperation with the USA government.

However, WikiLeaks hasn’t provided any details about the functions being conducted by the organization using Athena, but it is not hard to imagine how the intellect agency would be using this program to spot on their targets.

The previous week, WikiLeaks dumped two apparent CIA malware frames – AfterMidnight and Assassin – for the MS Windows platform that has been designed to screen and report back activities on the infected remote control host computer and perform malicious actions.

Since March, the whistleblowing group has published nine batches of “Vault 7” series, which includes the latest and last week leaks, along with the following batches:

  • Archimedes – a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack tool apparently created by the CIA to focus on computers inside a Local Area Network (LAN).
  • Scribbles – a bit of software allegedly designed to introduce ‘web beacons’ into private documents, allowing the spying agency to track reporters and whistleblowers.
  • Grasshopper – reveal a framework which allowed the agency to easily create custom malware for entering Microsoft’s  windows and bypassing antivirus security.
  • Marble – revealed the source code of a secret anti-forensic framework, essentially an obfuscator or a packer employed by the CIA to cover the genuine source of its malware.
  • Dark Matter – targeted on hacking exploits the agency designed to focus on iPhones and Macs.
  • Weeping Angel – spying tool employed by the agency to infiltrate smart TV’s, modifying them into covert microphones.
  • Year Zero – trashed CIA hacking exploits for popular hardware and software.


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