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Wikileaks revealed another for control of the computer technology by the CIA | Cyberops

Wikileaks revealed another for control of the computer technology by the CIA

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment June 2, 2017

On the WikiLeaks website on Thursday, June 1, the published documents that reveal information about the so-called “draft Pandemic» CIA.

The essence of this technology is that it allows you to infect computers running Microsoft Windows operating system on the local network, remote users that share the program.

If the program is read from the victim machine, the application code is replaced with a Trojan version. In this case, the purpose of further masking the source file on the server remains unchanged and only modified (replaced) when downloading an infected file server before running on a remote user’s computer.

The Trojan tab allows you to replace up to 20 programs a maximum of 800 megabytes for a selected list of remote users of victims.

March 7 WikiLeaks posted more than 8500 secret CIA documents on the network. The publication of the information “about the whole hacking machine” of the American secret services, was named “Asylum 7”.

Whistleblowers say that the CIA actually lost control of his hacking arsenal, allowing to control a variety of devices around the world. These are programs that allow access to telephones on the iOS and Android platforms, Windows-based computers and smart TVs Samsung.

Malware themselves were not published – it will be done in the event of a public consensus on their analysis and disposal.

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