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A vulnerability in the implementation of the NFS-Servers shipped in the Linux kernel | Cyberops

A vulnerability in the implementation of the NFS-Servers shipped in the Linux kernel

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment May 5, 2017

The NFS server (NFSv2 and NFSv3), part of the Linux kernel, detected remotely operated vulnerability ( CVE-2017-7895 ), allowing to read the contents of memory areas of arbitrary user space and the kernel (1 to 4 Mb) by sending queries to the specially designed NFS.

For a successful attack must have available on the NFS-section entry to mount the system with which the attack takes place.

The problem is caused by an error when adding the brought changes to the code fs / nfsd more than 10 years ago (in preparation for 2.6.22 kernel). The vulnerability is eliminated in releases 4.11 and 4.10.13. The distributions of the problem still remains uncorrected ( the Debian , of RHEL , of Ubuntu , the SUSE ).

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