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How to use 2- factor authentication in facebook | Cyberops

How to use 2- factor authentication in facebook

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment June 1, 2017

Two-factor authentication is a security feature that helps to protect your Facebook account in addition to your password. If you set up two-factor authentication, you’ll be asked to enter a special security code or confirm your login attempt each time. When someone tries to access your Facebook from a computer or mobile device then they don’t recognize.

Firstly, log in your facebook and Go to your Settings by clicking in the top-right corner of Facebook and clicking Settings.

After this click on setting and go on Security and Login and click on Set up two-factor authentication.

After doing this we have to Edit the Two step Authentication, so click on Edit


    1. After then, Choose the authentication method which is on your screen instructions by text message on contact number.

Then, and Click Enable once you’ve selected and turned on an authentication method.

There are several authentication methods you can use with your Facebook account when logging in from an unrecognized computer or mobile device.

When you Enable your Two-factor authentication, then Facebook will ask for your Facebook password.

After re-entering your Facebook password it will send a Text Message Code(SMS) on your phone. Type your code on compatible device.

You can use as many authentication methods as you would like, but you need to have at least text message (SMS) codes turned on, or at least both a security key and Code Generator turned on.

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