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Submitted by gps-share, a tool for organizing shared access to GPS | Cyberops

Submitted by gps-share, a tool for organizing shared access to GPS

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment May 31, 2017

GNOME Project developers have published the first issue of utility GPS-share, designed to provide access to a GPS device from the other systems on the local network.

Project code is written in Rust and is available under the GPLv2 license. During the GPS-share operation involved the library libdbus, libudev, libcap, and xz-libs.

With the help of GPS-share can arrange joint use of GPS across multiple devices that do not have their own chips to work with GPS. Gps-share is also aimed at providing support for separate GPS-devices when positioning Geoclue, along with the already-supported sources such as built-in smart GPS-chips (needs to be run on a smartphone a special application), as well as a public database of accommodation WiFi-networks base stations and providers (GeoIP).

Gps-share is positioned as a replacement projects GPSD and Gypsy and solving the problem of multiplexing access to GPS data for multiple clients. GPSD has a serious architectural problems and constraints (project developed in 1995), and Gypsy for many years in a derelict state. Creating a new project it was considered more appropriate than the revival of outdated and does not support the code base.

Currently, GPS-share works only with GPS-enabled devices based protocol emulation serial port (RS232). In particular, this includes most GPS-devices to be connected via USB or Bluetooth. manual tuning port using rfcomm utility is required for Bluetooth-enabled devices (such as Fedora 25, with connecting TomTom Wireless GPS MkII need to run «sudo rfcomm connect 0 00: 0D: B5: 70: 54: 75″).

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