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IBM begins to create the world's first supercomputer neuromorphic

IBM begins to create the world’s first supercomputer neuromorphic

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment September 23, 2017

According to the publication TechXplore, IBM is in conjunction with the Research Laboratory of the US Air Force began work on building the world’s first neuromorphic computing systems. The new system will be of a artificial intelligence, which will work on the principles of real neural network, like the neural network of the human brain.

The system was named TrueNorth Neurosynaptic System, and it will be the basis, according to representatives of IBM, multiple compute nodes, each of which is set for 64 IBM TrueNorth neuromorphic processor. In addition, each node consists of 64 million artificial neurons and 16 milliardov artificial synapses.

The new system of artificial intelligence TrueNorth Neurosynaptic System is an extremely flexible platform. It can both handle the data coming from different sources, and the parallel processing of the same source data stream


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