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How to trace an IP Address & get IP of a target person - Cyberops

How to trace & get IP Address of Target Person

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment September 3, 2016

IP (Internet Protocol) Address is one of the most important components or part of the internet, as well as cyber forensics. With the help of IP address all digital devices, computers communicate with each other, and this is allotted to that device, such as static or dynamic. That all the reasons law enforcement agencies are using IP address to trace Cyber Criminal.

This tutorial helps to get IP address with time and referrer of URL. Instead, there are many online websites, through you can get the IP address of any person by sending a link, But I recommend you to create your own IP grabber PHP Script.


  • PHP Script of IP Grab
  • Web hosting Sites

PHP Script of IP Grab
PHP is programming language which was established as create websites, PHP has some good programming code so you can easily get the IP address, Timing, Referrer, User Agent (Details of browser and operating system). Before the bind off all code here is the short and basic description of all code. So you can understand that how is it work.

How to Get an IP Address?

This code is used for getting remotely IP address of the victim. Basically, its grab the server IP which victim is using that time.

Get User Agent
User Agent is acting on behalf of the user to the browser and other requests and responses. Web Browser telling a website information all about the operating system and browser.

Referrer Page
This script of code is used to get referrer of your link. For example, you send IP Grab script through facebook chat, then in a referrer, you can see facebook URL. This will help you for getting IP address of two or more victims.

Get Time
$n = time();
$t = gmstrftime(“%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT”, $n );
This script of code is used to get time of click on that URL which you send to victim.

Now create a combine file so you can easily grab victim’s IP Address so just open notepad on your computer and copy paste below script.

$n = time();
$t = gmstrftime(“%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT”, $n );
fwrite($f,”user agent=”.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’].”\n”);
fwrite($f,”Referer Page=”.$_SERVER[“HTTP_REFERER”].”\n”);

ipgrab notepad

Now save this notepad file with the name of ipgrab.php (.php is the must).

Web Hosting Sites

What is Web Hosting Sites

Web Hosting sites or web host service providers, provide the service needed for any website to be view on the internet. They give facilities to host a website, if we talking about normal words, Hosting sites provide a part of the land to build the personal house, so other users can see, meet, communicate.

If you have web hosting sites or want to purchase then there are a lot of websites, purchase them according to your requirements. But as well as a lot of websites provide free web host. I recommend you to use or you can use another also, just google with free web hosting site and you have a lot of option to create an account on the free web hosting sites.
In this tutorial I am using  So just open website and click sign up for free and fill your name, email address, strong password, and your domain name, if you have your own domain, then click on Own Domain otherwise select Free Subdomain and create according to your requirement, I am using cyberopsdemo subdomain. Now click on I’m not a robot and after completion, all basic formalities to GET FREE HOSTING.

free web hosting sign up

It will send you a confirmation mail on your email ID. so open your mail and click on URL for confirmation that your email id is correct.

free web hosting confirm mail screenshot (2)

After Email Confirmation, Your website status will change, waiting for confirmation to Active and is provide your control panel for uploading web pages.

free web hosting active account (2)

Now you can see on the right side, there are Customer Details, in which password option is also, so click on Change and manage your new password. Basically, it’s an FTP( File Transfer Protocol)  password.
Note: Do not add blank space in a password, due to there 000webhost password policy.

free web hosting password change ftp (2)

Now scroll down the list and locate File Manager option

free web hosting cpanel file manager option

Go to First File Manager and open public_html folder (Its a web link, so need only a single click).

free web hosting public html

Now you can see upload option, click on upload button and locate your php script file and click on right tick, to upload file.

free web hosting upload file

Now its done!!!! Just send the url with IP Grabbing Script file, you can send this link via facebook chat, messenger, email or whatsapp etc. Now whenever victim click on this link, in file manager a text file automatically generate with the name of ip.txt you can check on this file

free web hosting ip log file

for example I click on this link so its grab my ip and details.

grab ip (2)

Important Note:

  • Do not click in this link yourself, otherwise your IP is also grab by this script.
  • If victim use VPN, then you will never get original IP. For more about VPN, you can visit our post What is VPN

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