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Hacked 7 Indian Embassies Websites | Cyberops

Hacked 7 Indian Embassies Websites

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment November 10, 2016


There have been lots of hacking products making the rounds on the internet. We have recently seen Pakistani cyber-terrorist accepted to have hacked 7,000 Indian websites.

Indians hackers have also hacked Pakistani government websites. Right now two hackers with Tweets names Kapustkiy and Kasimierz L dumped the data source on

The hackers allegedly from Holland claimed that they have successfully broken into several Indian High commission websites. According to media reported on Monday, Hackers experienced published the login details, passwords, and database which contains names, passport figures, Email id’s and telephone number have been released online.

According to firstpost one of the hackers told E cracking News in an email

I am from Netherlands. I’ve found several SQL on the websites and we reported it. But they ignored me and so I broke up with their database.”

Hackers leaked details of 1161 Indians surviving in South Africa, 145 in Italy, 305 in Libya, 35 in Switzerland, seventy-four in Malawi, 14 in Mali and 42 in Romania. ”

One of the hackers whose name is Kapustkiy told Hindustan Times “We made it happen because their security was poor and as the Indian Embassy and they need to have security” The hacker further claimed that “The websites have a SQL vulnerability. “

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