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Elected the new leader of the Debian project | Cyberops

Elected the new leader of the Debian project

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment April 17, 2017

The results of the annual election of the Debian project leader.

This year the turnout of 322 Developer, accounting for 30% of all members eligible to vote (the turnout was 28%, two years ago to 35% last year). This year, two candidates were considered for the post of leader – last year’s leader Dogu Mehdi (Mehdi Dogguy) and Kris Lem (Chris Lamb).

Approved for the post of leader Kris Lem, 31-year-old computer programmer from Cambridge, involved in the development of Debian since September 2008. Chris is involved in working on projects Debian Long Term Support (LTS), Debian Live and the Debian Installer, part of the team accompanying the packets associated with Python, X.Org, and JavaScript, and is the author of such tools as AptFS, debian- bts-applet,, IRC-bot # debian-devel-changes and Debian Timeline. Kris Lem is one of the recipients of a grant from the organization Linux Foundation, issued on the development of the means to ensure repeatable assembly packages.

As leader Chris intends to pay attention to optimizing the processes of interaction with the outside world and improve the attractiveness of the project. Specifically, Debian is scheduled to make more understandable for beginners, and development processes more transparent. It plans to increase the number of developers of meetings for the implementation of his plans to improve the process for new users and developers (eg, conduct usability testing to identify bottlenecks at the first acquaintance user with the distribution), create Outreach program to attract new developers and to work to eliminate the problems hindering effective work in Debian.

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