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Comodo Antivirus leads to problems with the graphics on Windows 10 Creators Update | Cyberops

Comodo Antivirus leads to problems with the graphics on Windows 10 Creators Update

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment April 25, 2017

Software Comodo companies encountered problems with compatibility with Windows 10 update Creators Update, so users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version before you put the latest version of the operating system. On the Comodo website, it says that applications Comodo Internet Security (CIS) / Comodo Firewall / Comodo Antivirus must be updated to version or higher, and Comodo Cloud Antivirus does not have to be at least version 1.10.413855.478.

Users of older versions of these programs have faced troubles when displaying graphics. If Creators Update update is already installed on older versions of Comodo software and experience problems with your computer, it does not currently offer any other solution other than complete removal of the application. If the system after it is restored, you can install the latest version of Comodo Programs.

Comodo Antivirus can update you by running the app and clicking on the button, and here in Comodo Cloud Antivirus manual update is not available. Here you need to open the Settings> General Settings> Update and install check for updates once a day, at the same time enabling the option to automatically install updates. Later, the program will check for updates and install them, which will run on a Windows 10 Creators Update.

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