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Are you helping Cyber Criminals unknowingly? :: Cyberops | Cyberops

Are you helping Cyber Criminals unknowingly? :: Cyberops

By Prempal Singh 1 Comment September 28, 2016


Hey folks..!!!

Well, its really unfortunate to see this Cyber World in threats because our life is almost dependent on it. And not just our life but whole system is getting effected because whole system is changing according to the new technologies. From a simple mobile recharge to purchasing goods online, from online voter ID application to passport and visa applications, from paper-pen to online documentations & emails, everything is on Cyber World. But the problem is “Hacking Activities“.

Hackers are always here to hack online information & interrupt users from accessing internet resources. They do different type of attacks like website hacking, web defacement, DDoS attacks, database dump using sql injection etc.

But there are security researchers as well as auditors & security team who are aware of these things and are working to secure Cyber World.

So when they are working on security and things are going balanced then why i am writing this post? What this post is all about? You are not a security researcher or technical one then how you can contribute in security of internet and Digital World?

Let me explain what this post is all about. Few days back on 20th September 2016, there was a biggest DDoS attack on a hosting company  OVH’S Servers with 1 Tbps of bandwidth.

[If you are not aware of DDoS attack and want to know about it you can read here.]

Hell wait… did you say 1 Tbps ?? you mean approx 1024 Gbps ?? But does this speed really exist in practical world?

And the answers is “YES” and its not a big deal if you have a army of bots (hacked computer systems, devices).



But who was responsible for this biggest DDoS attack?

It may be a hacking group or individual, that really doesn’t matter here. The thing matters here is “You are responsible for this attack“. Yes you heard right. Let me tell you how:

Just before few days of this attack there was a security notification on 14th September 2016 that: Vulnerable DVR System Ready To Become A DDoS Botnet which was ignored by users who were using DVR systems. You can say they ignored it or they just didn’t get the notification or whatever, but the fact is, they just supported hackers in this hacking attempt.

And this is not first time, previously there were many DDoS attacks where army of bots used. Once your system is infected with malware, it can be used for various type of attacks. Sometime even you can be in trouble, because hackers generally install proxy into your system and use it for their hacking activities. So next time when they will hack any website or do any hacking attempt, back tracing from police officials will lead to your system and you could be behind the bars just for not being aware of threat.

To know more about proxy servers read here.

hmm.. So what should i do?? I am not technical, i don’t know things about hacking and all, but i don’t want to get into trouble, what you suggest me to do?

Well, what i suggest you to be regularly updated with blogs and news about cyber security and cyber world so that you can be aware of problems you can face. Be updated about security tips.

Here are some tips for you in case you want to read it right now :: Cyber Security Tips & Updates ::

Additionally if you are a company then i’ll suggest you to go for security auditing (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) of your network devices, systems & websites on regular basis. It will save you as well as your employees. And the last one, spread awareness about Cyber Security to help us in making internet safe.

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