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AI learned to draw from NVIDIA 3D-graphics humanly | Cyberops

AI learned to draw from NVIDIA 3D-graphics humanly

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment September 23, 2017

At SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques – The Ad Hoc Group on Graphic and interactive methods) NVIDIA company demonstrated its new AI is capable of producing three-dimensional graphics. Comparing the work of artificial intelligence and real 3D-artists, experts have come to the conclusion that the program deals with the tasks of the Joneses.

This means that the AI ​​will greatly simplify people’s lives, such as taking care of people drawing characters from video games, because the AI ​​Holodeck from NVIDIA spends to create three-dimensional model of a human face about the same time as it usually takes a professional artist.

In addition to the AI ​​in charge of 3D-animation, NVIDIA and create other programs, able to process images, making them more realistic. The company is making big bets on the artificial intelligence program, so now continue to hire staff and train new developers who are able to work in this field, not without reason, considering that the AI ​​will soon be able to replace the familiar to many software.

AI developed the NVIDIA, is not limited to painting. the company announced a partnership with Bosch recently. The joint work of the company plans to produce and implement automatic control technology cars.


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