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A Commodore 64 has helped run an auto shop for more than 20 years | Cyberops

A Commodore 64 has helped run an auto shop for more than 20 years

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment October 4, 2016


Apple’s Phil cannella Schiller thinks it’s unfortunate that folks use 5-year-old computer systems. Well, Phil, there’s an auto repair shop in Poland that’s going to send you spiraling into a long depression.

So why? Because one of the computers they’re using on the day-to-day basis is a Commodore 64, and We don’t mean one of the slick nostalgic terms consensual. I’m talking about a classically beautiful beige C64 and its whirring, clunking 5. 25? floppy hard drive drive.

It’s been there for more than twenty-five years. See, not everyone finds the idea of using an old computer sad. Some, like the mechanics with this shop in Gdansk, treat their hardware like a trusted affiliate of their team. Obviously this Commodore 64 has been pulling its weight within the past twenty-five years, or the shop would’ve found a different system to help these groups balance driveshafts.

Because the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, avoid fix it — and this C64 seems decided to not break. In accordance to the woman who formerly posted this image to a retro processing group, the computer has shrugged off plenty of abuse over the years. It’s been soaked by rain coming in a near by open window and “most likely shat on by birds. ”

This Commodore has earned a place alongside other long-serving workhorses… Workhorses like its faraway Amiga cousin across the pond. For over 3 decades, it’s been working the environment conditioning systems for the Grand Rapids General public School District. Just for comparison’s sake, Phil, that’d be like them still using an original Mac. Take that, planned obsolescence!

Source: geek

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