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63% of cyber attacks in the world is undertaken with the corresponding US IP-addresses | Cyberops

63% of cyber attacks in the world is undertaken with the corresponding US IP-addresses

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment May 8, 2017

Dimension Data analysts prepared a report on cyber attacks, from which it follows that the state structures have recently become much more likely to act as a target for attackers.

In 2015, cyber attacks on government agencies accounted for 7% of the total, in 2016 – already 14%. It should be noted that the share of attacks on the company’s financial sector increased even more – from 3% to 14%. Attacks on the enterprise of the industrial sector are 13%. The share of attacks in the retail trade, which have been most common in 2015, decreased to 11% in 2016.

The basis for the report was compiled, contained in 3.5 trillion of log files Security NTT NTT and other companies (Dimension Data – one of them) with a total number of network customers around the world about 10,000, as well as specialized equipment data set of more than in 100 countries. The total analysis was subjected to 6.2 billion attempted attacks.

Analysts have also highlighted the most significant danger to the “digital business.”

By interesting facts, contained in the report, include this – 63% of all cyber attacks undertaken with IP-addresses corresponding to the United States.

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