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What is IDS?

What is IDS?

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment December 18, 2018

Intrusion detection system – a system that uses a wide range of malware detection methods, including intelligent and heuristic algorithms for analyzing malicious traffic, scanning, behavior analysis, integrity monitoring, etc.


Normal firewalls analyze traffic only by protocol type,outgoing address and destination address. For example, they can allow only traffic generated by browsers and mail programs (HTTP, POP, SMTPprotocols).

However, malware can use the above protocols togain unauthorized access to the system. Therefore, conventional firewalls may not be effective in dealing with sophisticated attack types.

At the same time, intrusion detection systems analyze the contents of the transmitted data, detecting atypical deviations and malicious code inside the transmitted data packets. This provides a higher level of protection than using conventional firewalls.

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