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There are 4 Strategies that can Use to Counter Cyber crime in E-commerce | Cyberops

There are 4 Strategies that can Use to Counter Cyber crime in E-commerce

By Prempal Singh 0 Comment March 31, 2017

How can you counter cybercrime in e-commerce? Cybercrime is also known, as computer crime is any illegitimate action that is committed through an electronic-based medium or focuses on a computer-based platform. Cyber crime depends on the internet and online activity. The use of Cloud service by small businesses exposes those to cyber-attacks.

Cybercrime includes offenses aimed at breaching a company’s computer security. The purpose of the unlawful act may be to steal customers or financial information of the business, to disturb service to the company website or to install a malware targeted monitoring the business online activity.

Cybercrime can harm small businesses in several ways. First, a company needs to protect itself from cybercrime in e-commerce. To do so, they get costs associated with determining risks, discovering new more secure businesses and investing in new software and hardware. In some instances, depending on sensitivity involved in a business’s operations, it can be required to hire a cyber-security consultant to assist in producing a custom-made solution.

Denial of service attacks slows customers from accessing the internet store resulting to fewer or any sales at all. Customers fed up of repeated cyber-attacks may decline to do business with the company. All these could cost business huge amount of loss. Cybercrime takes away billions of shillings from companies yearly. Thus, it requires strong security setup with required awareness about security and rising risks scenario.

How to Control E-Mail Security & Confirm Potential Threat to reverse cybercrime in e-commerce:

While the earth goes digital, email communication has become the backbone of a business day-to- day activities. Email security is a multi-layered discipline involving security software and technology. Sound security practices and policies by members of a corporation are also an essential component of a company email security.

Encrypting e-mail between the sender and the recipient is a practice that can prevent break-ins occasioned by opportunity theft. Encrypting email can be likened to securing a note in a safe and then shipping the safe. Email encryption creates another layer of security that discourages criminals making them bypass your business and look for easy access elsewhere.

There are several methods of encrypting your email. The basic way is the use of extra software that plugs into your email client. When encrypting your email with the usage of the other service, you should ensure that the recipient has got the necessary tools or similar software to decrypt and read it. Otherwise, the exercise can be an effort in futility.

Can I Impose a Strict Password Plan?

Creating a company plan on the utilization of better passwords is the next important step to avoid your business from hackers. Applying the use of much longer, complex and complicated security password though tedious to your employees but is a huge step towards combating the threat posed by cyber-attack. A company should encourage the change of passwords at least every three months.

There should be a rule against the use of same passwords across multiple platforms. Employees should also avoid storing security passwords in the cloud. Security passwords should not be written anywhere in the office by use of grass notes. Rather, a business should employ the utilization of password management software. The price of investing in the software is negligible in assessment to the loss that can arise from a cyber-attack.

To better secure online accounts, the organization can enforce extra measures like the use of two-factor authentication features where the employees are required to enter an additional pin number code that is delivered to the employee’s mobile device. Another excellent feature is the requirement that the employees use their fingerprint to gain access.

The leading online companies like Fb, Yahoo, Gmail and Dropbox all have these features, nevertheless, require enabling through their private features adjustments.

How can I Help to make sure my website is secured with SSL License?

The Secure Socket layer Certificate (SSL) Protocol is a standard security technology that ensures secure deals between browsers and web servers through encryption. SSL is pivotal in acquiring people’s data during online transactions or when transferring confidential information.

Internet surfers have confidence in websites that are secured by SSL Certificates. The site is identifiable with a lock-in icon for SSL-secured websites and green address bar for websites secure by an extended approval SSL Certificate.

SSL Records have two key pairs. The first is a public key even though the other is a private key. Encryption using the two keys ensures that one key can encrypt data and decrypted by the other. That involves keeping the private key and distributing the public step to everyone.

Thus, every person can send you encrypted information, but only you can decrypt it. If your website collects master card information, the payment card industry (PCI) requires that you need to have an SSL Certificate. The same goes to a site that has a sign in the section or sends/receives other private information.

How can you save money while purchasing an SSL License?

Buying a Wildcard SSL certificate will help you to save money. A Wildcard SSL Certificate will allow you to secure the unlimited sub domain names on one domain name. Buying SSL certificates in bulk is another way of saving money. A large number of SSL companies offer discount rates to businesses that purchase in bulk.

SSL providers offer discounts for records that are valid for over a year. Ordering from a unique Certificate Government bodies can also save you money. It is highly recommended to compare several government bodies before purchasing. Ensure that you get the right type of certificate. For illustration, it is a waste product of money to acquire a wildcard certificate if you only need to secure one name.

A business should be proactive to deter cyber threats. Putting in software that removes spyware and adware, spyware, viruses, Adware and privacy traces on every machine in the corporation can help eliminate threats before they become difficult to handle.


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